Parts Unknown visits Costa Rica

A Parts Unknown style travel video of Costa Rica and the meaning of Pura Vida


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7 Simple and Easy Ways to Win People Over and Gain Attraction

Small psychological ways to improve your social attractiveness…

I’ve always been a naturally shy person — social situations were a source of great anxiety for me.

I was constantly worrying about if I’d make a good impression or if I’d make a fool out of myself.

All my focus was shifted internally, which would stop me from being able to have an amazing interaction with someone. It stopped me from winning people over when we met.

Over the years of studying psychology and implementing a few simple and basic techniques, I’ve figured out ways to help win people over. Luckily for us, these tricks are so basic and easy to implement. We can always learn how to master winning people over. Here are seven important ways that helped me do just that.

We’re caught in a world where it involves phones out, heads down and headphones in. It amazes me how sometimes when talking to people they can’t be bothered to take their headphones out. Or, they are looking down at their phone every 10 seconds trying to reply to someone whilst talking to you.

That’s definitely not the way to win anyone over or obtain respect from someone.

Instead, acknowledging the other person who is in front of you makes you stand out. You’re always going to be drawn more to the person that looks at you or goes out of their way to come over and say hello. And, when you start to do this frequently, the respect you receive from others will grow fast. So, when you’re interacting with others, make sure to acknowledge them. It could simply be putting that phone down or walking across the room to greet them.

I remember exactly what it felt like when for the first time someone complimented the muscle I had put on from my gym workouts. That person I still remember and I like them way more than I did initially!

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